Питання-Відповіді › dear Sirs as free lance journalist URL dieses Artikels: > > https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Bringt-5G-uns-alle-in-Gefahr-6335722.html?wt_mc=sm.share.mail.link > > > > and https://brandstwiete.substack.com/p/space-expo-in-bremen as well as https://www.rbb-online.de/kontraste/ueber_den_tag_hinaus/terrorismus/mit_sicherheit_in.html for purpose of publication I would be interested in the current situation of your work/institute during Russian war. How come that an international conference on electronics and nanotechnology is held during wartimes? What if the Russians occupied your installations? Have you received international help to prevent this, and if so which ones? Is the world in danger if the Russians occupied your installation – such as heating up the ionosphere so much that global devastating fires would be triggered off? What signals did you receive, according to: Emelyanov L., Rogozhkin E., Pulyayev V. Features of Reception of Signals with Linear and Circular Polarization in the Incoherent Scatter Technique. 2022 IEEE 41st How do you explain the Large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances according to Panasenko S. V., Burešová D., Aksonova K. D., Bogomaz O. V., Zhivolup T. G., Koloskov A. V. Large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances over eastern Europe // Space Climate Symposium. – Krakow, September 19 – 22, 2022. – How do you explain the ionospheric plasma motion over Kharkiv according to Emelyanov L. Observation of ionospheric plasma motion over Kharkiv during solar eclipses on September 1, 2016, and June 10, 2021 // 2022 IEEE 2nd Ukrainian Microwave Week (IEEE UkrMW-2022), “Microwaves, Radar and Remote Sensing” (MRRS), 14–18 November 2022. Conference Proceedings. 2022. What do you observe in Antarctica? How do you explain dynamic and thermal processes in the geospace over Ukraine according to Kolodyazhnyi V.V., Lyashenko M.V., Yemelyanov L.Ya., Dzyubanov D.A. Modeling of variations in the parameters of dynamic and thermal processes in the geospace over Ukraine during the minimum period of the 24th cycle of solar activity / Information technologies: science , engineering, technology, education, health: abstracts of the reports of the XXX international scientific and practical conference MicroCAD-2022, October 19-21, 2022 / edited by Prof. E.I. Sokol – Kharkiv: NTU "KhPI". – with. 949. What makes your installation „a unique special-purpose Observatory“? Which demands come from „ionospheric effects associated with powerful explosions and spacecraft launches (Taran et al., 1985). The ionospheric disturbances caused by these anthropogenic factors were observed at distances up to a few thousand kilometers from the energy source“? Which effects are triggered off: „ionospheric effects arising from the influence of highpower HF radio transmission and reported significant perturbations“, and why is it done? Why do you/does one carry out „modification of the ionosphere by powerful radio waves“? Which effects does it have? Such as global warming? What did you do in Arecibo? Have you been in Peru as well? Why? If „Disturbances in the Ionospheric Plasma“ result from „Its Heating by High-Power HF Radio Transmission“ why does one do it? What do the sounds tell us? Which further aspects would you like to mention? Thank you. Susanne Härpfer Tel. 0176 344 75 395 susanne_Harper_Haerpfer bei instagram Susanne.Haerpfer bei facebook
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